Effective June 1, 2010, the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission's (the Commission) rule 12 NCAC 02B .0203(e) was revised as follows:
(e) The school shall not admit an individual, including partial or limited enrollees, as a trainee in a presentation of the Basic Law Enforcement Training Course unless the individual has taken the reading component of a nationally standardized within one year prior to admission to Basic Law Enforcement Training and has scored at or above the tenth grade level or the equivalent. A nationally standardized test is a test that:
(1) reports scores as national percentiles, stanines or grade equivalents and
(2) compares student test results to a national norm.
On May 28, 2010, the Commission approved the implementation and enforcement of this revised rule by September 1, 2010. Accredited training schools and BLET school directors have from June 1, 2010 to September 1, 2010 to effectively prepare for and implement the revised standard as a BLET admission mandate and arrange for the appropriate maintenance of documentation.
Stanard & Associates, Inc. POST Test complies with the revised rule.
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