Corporate Captain Registration and Renewal

Register by Mail

Download the PDF Program Application form, linked below, and complete.

Program Application:

Not a Corporate Captain? Review the Sponsorship Opportunities linked below.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

If you are paying by check, please submit both completed form and your check to:

PO Box 18729
Raleigh, NC 27619

If you choose to pay by credit card please use the payment form below. Then email your completed renewal form to [email protected].  

Please make your payment on the same day as your form is submitted to assure proper posting.  Thank you 

Register Online

I want to become an NCACP Corporate Captain!


I would like for my two Associate memberships to be in the following individuals’ names:

Company Signage and Listing Details


If planning to be a Conference Vendor, please fill out the Conference Vendor Registration Form.

Please make your payment online or mail a check made payable to: 

North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police, Attn:  Executive Director, PO Box 18729, Raleigh, NC  27619.


Make sure you hit the "SUBMIT APPLICATION" button before going on to make your payment.  

Pay Dues Online