I want to thank each of you for your vote of confidence and for electing me as the 50th
President of the North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police. I am profoundly grateful
and proud to stand with you as a member of this great organization. I'm poised and
ready to move us forward in several ways.
First, I would like to expand the reach of our organization. As many of you know, the
first year for a new member is completely FREE. I challenge each of us to reach out to
our fellow chiefs; and ask them to join us in making a monumental difference in our
state. The more members we have, the more influence our association has to change
legislative issues.
I'm very big on relationships. A very special goal to me is to further foster our
relationships with the North Carolina Sheriff's Association, the North Carolina Police
Executives Association, the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, the NC
Police Benevolent Association, the NC Fraternal Order of Police, and others. Having
good working relationships with these agencies will help boost our stature as an
organization and increase our ability to lobby effectively.
Technology will take all our police departments to the next level. Utilizing new and ever-
evolving technological advances will definitely enable our ability to solve more crimes.
License plate readers (LPR) have proven highly effective in the identification and
apprehension of criminals. A new pilot program is currently being implemented and will
be a game changer moving forward for our agencies.
I am a big proponent of our access and voice at the Emergency Operations Center
(EOC). I am advocating for more chiefs to be trained to man positions in our state
emergency operations center. This increases our visibility and gets our input instantly
during critical times of crisis.
As your President, I plan to fully support any bills to support supplemental freezes to
allow officers to work longer. As most of you are very aware, recruiting and retaining
good quality personnel is extremely difficult. Allowing our officers to work longer and
still receive retirement benefits will give us some immediate relief from our personnel
Lastly, I vow to be accessible and responsive to all chiefs. I want each of you to have
direct access to me for any questions or concerns. Communication is key to problem-
solving, and if we all work together, there's nothing our association can't accomplish.
Again, I am incredibly proud to be your President, and I look forward to working with you
over the next year to make the NCACP the best ever.
God bless
YOUR…President, NCACP
Director Chip Hawley